Saturday, November 12, 2005

Thieves like us

I stole this from JeopardyGirl, who stole it from someone called Babs. If you want to take it, be my guest.
How it works is you name a band or artist, and then the answers to the questions have to be in the form of titles of their songs.

Artist/band: Pet Shop Boys
Are you male or female: Music For Boys pt 3
Describe Yourself: Paninaro
How do some people feel about you: What Have I Done To Deserve This
How do you feel about yourself: If love were all
Describe where you want to be: Se a veda e' (That's the way life is)
Describe what you want to be: (Never) Being Boring
Describe How you Live: Left To My Own Devices/In Denial
Describe how you love: Love Comes Quickly
Share a few words of wisdom: We All Feel Better In The Dark

As usual with these things I've had to cheat a little, nerdishly providing links to lyrics if I don't think the point fully comes across in the song title. I slightly altered the name of another for the same reason. I know, I know. It's A Sin...

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