1) Conan The Barbarian Soundtrack
Nope. Don't have it.
2) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Don't have this either. Haven't read any Philip K. Dick since at least high school.
3) The Twilight Zone Collection:

4) The Original Star Wars Trilogy – WITHOUT ANY ADDED CRAP
Sadly, no. But if I ever did own any version, that would be the only version I would own.
5) A Profound Hatred for Star Trek Enterprise
Don't give enough of a damn either way.
6) The Lord of The Rings Extended Edition, The Soundtracks and all of the books
Don't own them, have seen them all more than once, got two soundtracks from the library, own one, and read some or most of the books.

7) A Profound Sadness for the Way Battlestar Galactica Ended
Never caught the fascination for GB. Try the last season of Babylon 5 sometime, tho, and then talk to me about profound sadness.
8 ) A Passionately Favorite Version of the REAL Doctor Who
Y'damn right...and it's the one in my own head.
9) A Fear That Will Smith Will Someday Star in The Movie Adaptation of Your Favorite Book
If he comes near Jonathan Carroll, I will have to wait for him with a length of chain.
10) Toys from Your Childhood That You Refuse To Part With
Well, considering that I'm writing this with a fox puppet I got as a present in the '70s sitting on top of my computer monitor...
11) The Belief that the Word Midichlorian Was Just from a Nightmare and NOT a real Star Wars Movie
The problem with midichlorians, as I can't be the first person to point out, is that they switch the idea of "oneness with the Force" from something spiritual which can be attained through practice and discipline, to a question of genetic superiority: If you're not born part of the master race, you're basically doomed to life as a slave. How eugenic.
12) The Original TRON Movie
Don't own it, but it has a special place in my heart, and Tron Legacy stands up too. I do own the Wendy Carlos soundtrack to the original, and Cindy Morgan was one of my '80s crushes.
13) An affection for the TV show Firefly
Absolutely not. Look, I like one or two of the actors, but...plus I've always found it at the least smirk-worthy that fans of this show willingly gave themselves the name "Browncoats," because it sounds so much like "Brownshirts."
14) A Hatred for Chris O’Donnell
Nah. The last two seasons of Buffy, on the other hand...
15) You Know Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:
Doesn't everyone?
16) You think Cheetara is HOT!
Nah. By the time Thundercats hit, I was already worshiping at the altar of the likes of Cybill Shepherd.
17) You Believe Aliens are our REAL Gods
Not even a little bit.

18) You Have a Favorite Animated Cult Sci-Fi Movie
I dunno, I probably do, but I love good animation and Sci-Fi, so it'd be a long list. The Clone Wars movie would not be on it (even if I'd seen it, I suspect).
19) You Blame Hot Rod for Optimus Prime’s Death
I don't even know what this means.
20) You DESPISE Michael Bay for Masturbating on your Childhood
As with Star Trek Enterprise, I don't care enough either way. I save my despising for those who screw up things that are really important.

Like Saw producer Mark Burg, whose greed and cynicism (I believe) turned "the last chapter" of that franchise into a kick in the crotch for those of us who thought the films were ever more than just blood and gore.

Plus, he let Betsy Russell get away, which has to be the most foolhardy move since that sorry freak Charlie Sheen did the same with Ginger Lynn.
(Burg is also Sheen's longtime manager, which cannot be a coincidence).
Or that dullard Robert Zemeckis, whose inspiration poor motion-capture "animation" is a poke in the eye to real lovers of the art form.
Or that dullard Robert Zemeckis, whose inspiration poor motion-capture "animation" is a poke in the eye to real lovers of the art form.