And now Disney's getting into the goth biz.
Human nature is a rational substance in relationship to the intelligible end of the reproductive act of reproduction.
Human nature is a rational substance...
"The lesbians at Smith College protest better than you do!"
"Nobody had a rope to hang Patty Murray,"Oh, well all right then. I mean, I'd like to see Sarah Palin bled to death, so it'd be okay if I called for it a public rally, as long as nobody there has a knife that could do the job. Good to know.
she denied to The Associated Press that she was the speaker, [then] said Thursday night that the rest of the statement was that she wanted to "hang Patty Murray, by vote."
that the majority of these tea party people are independents who are pissed off at both republicans and democrats. These are the SAME people who gave Obama his victory because independents crossed over and voted AGAINST Bushes term.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Wednesday also indicates that Tea Party activists would vote overwhelmingly Republican in a two-party race for Congress.
The Democratic candidate gets 45 percent in both scenarios, but the GOP candidate's share of the vote drops from 47 percent in a two-way contest to just 33 percent with a Tea Party candidate on the ballot.
"How many of you have watched the movie Lonesome Dove?," asked an unidentified female speaker from the podium. "What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd. He got hung. And that's what I want to do with Patty Murray."
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tells TIME that the President would be interested in appearing on "The Daily Show," but not on its Comedy Central counterpart "Colbert Report."
"I think the President would love to," Gibbs said when asked if President Obama would appear on "The Daily Show." "Just maybe not Colbert," he said.
Gibbs explained his reasoning for avoiding Colbert: "I have yet to see a politician best Stephen Colbert in an interview on his show. I mean, he's really, really good."
Since the hate crime at Al-Farooq, however, there has been “outpouring of neighborly support” for the mosque, with neighbors helping to clean up the graffiti. “It made me sick to my stomach, because I don’t expect this in Nashville,” said resident John Tighe. At least 150 people — “including spiritual leaders from several faiths” — also went to an open house at the Islamic Center of Nashville on Saturday to learn more about the Islamic faith and pledge “support for local Muslims in the wake of last week’s defacement” of Al-Farooq.
Her executive producer, Bill Wolff, says Maddow gets just as exercised about wasteful weapons systems. "I don't think it's personal so much because she is gay and it's an issue of gay rights, but because it's an issue of military efficiency," he says.
If Maddow has an affinity for military issues, it may be because she is the daughter of an Air Force captain. She is writing a book on the military and politics. The key to her approach has not been standing on her soapbox, which would be predictable, but humanizing the issue by featuring men who want to serve their country -- and happen to be gay.
"I prefer having dissenting voices speak to Rachel on an issue," Wolff says. "We have a difficult time sometimes booking folks who don't agree with Rachel."
Maddow accepts the fact that some critics believe she must be biased on the subject. But she offers a simple response:
"I can't do the show as a non-gay person. I don't have that option."
Classic mix-up: NBC confuses Terry Fox and Michael J. Fox
By Trey Kerby
Terry Fox is a Canadian legend whose cross-Canada run, the Marathon of Hope, inspired Canadians while raising money for cancer research. Michael J. Fox is a Canadian actor who starred in the legendary "Back to the Future" trilogy and has become an advocate for Parkinson's disease research. They're pretty easy to confuse for each other. Right, NBC?
It's understandable to misspeak the name during a live setting, so we can give Meredith Vieira a pass. But the graphics are a little harder to explain, especially considering the broadcast actually showed Terry Fox before switching to the "Family Ties" star.
I'm guessing NBC would love to take a DeLorean back to last night to get this right. Zing!
You know how I know this was a really dumb mistake? Because, I don't care about, nor do I follow sports. In my own country, let alone the Canadlians. Many if not most of you know that.
But even I know who Terry Fox was.