I offered PJ, my interviewee at
The Urban Recluse, a chance to turn the tables. Here's what she came up with:
1. Who have been the biggest influences on your life?You mean for good or for ill? I'll just name two of the biggest.
Harlan Ellison, probably. He's one of my favorite writers, and one I can quote from memory. He is, for me, always what is ahead of me. What I could be.
Terry Gilliam. He's funny, he's disturbed, and he's never allowed to rest on his laurels. He's like some crazed inventor. And he's a vision in crinoline.
2. Are you a leg or butt or breast man? Discuss.
Well, I got into this a bit with one of SamFrog's questions, didn't I? I don't know what this obsession is with getting me to name a favorite female body part. It depends on whose legs or butt or breasts we're talking about.

Besides, it's all good. Amy Heckerling was right: "Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex."
However, as you ask (sure, twist my arm, give me another excuse to post pictures of beautiful women)...

Legs are interesting because of what they lead to. A shapely leg carries the eyes of the viewer up the good trail to what I'll euphimistically refer to as "the heat."
Something close to the same goes for butts.

If we're being honest (and why not?) a lot of what makes a butt sexy is if it makes us want to...I'll be euphimistic again...fill the space in-between. That's what it is for hetero males looking at females, anyway, or at least this one.
For gay males looking at males it's...related, I imagine. Not that I imagine that very much.
Legs or butts, it's all about what they lead to or what's on the other side, which is magnetically powerful.

That may be why I so hate to see stupider-than-a-piece-of-felt women like Lindsay Lohan.

They act as such dubious stewards of some of the most beautiful parts of them, parts that I feel almost religious about.
As for breasts, it's a common observation, but for hetero men, and for all I know for lesbians, part of the attraction must go back to the memory that we used to get milk from them.
Plus the fact that, on a young woman, they're a symbol of blossom and beauty.
(I love this quote, BTW, it makes her seem so stereotypically British. Yes, I imagine that must be
quite annoying, musn't it?)

And-enough with the euphimisms already-that's something men like to fuck. It's not the only thing men like to fuck (at least not real men), but it's something.

Real men appreciate all breasts.
3. Name your favourite film(s)?Well, I have a list of them in my profile-but this evening, I'll name:
Diamonds Are Forever and
The Living DaylightsA Doonesbury Special
Oh, God!Radio DaysStar Wars (
not "A New Hope," bitches) and
The Empire Strikes Back before Lucas changed them.
Python & the Grail,
Brazil, Fisher King, Time Bandits, Munchhausen, and
Tideland-all directed by Gilliam (
Python co-directed w/ Terry Jones)
Hellboy. I'm surprised to say it, but it's really held up for me over the past few years.
The Lord of the Rings.
AliensThe Outsiders...again, before Coppola changed it.
What is your preferred cop/crime tv show?That's on now? I suppose I can't count
House, can I? He's very much Sherlock Holmes as a Dr, but he's not a cop and he doesn't usually solve actual crimes. If we mean of all time,
Columbo has to be on the list.
24 would have been on the list, had not the producers been revealed to me as evil fucks more interested in spreading the propaganda that torture works than in creating a good suspense series. That kinda wrecked it for me.
5. Who do you love?
I can't answer that, it's too personal.