Time to check in with one of this bloggers celeb soulmates...
Even though she sometimes has all the coherence of a bowl of alphabet soup, I've long felt a good "vibe" from Courtney Love. As I've said many times before, she has that white trash thing going for her that I find so attractive.
She symbolizes, or at least she has in the past, something about sex to me that for lack of a better word I'll call animal. But those aren't the only reasons.
For another thing, I actually think there was a pretty good brain in there, at least once--blown out as it now may be. And I still hold that it's preposterous she was never given her own reality show. Hell, I even think she should've been one of the "guest critics" for Roger Ebert on the TV show.
I've even flattered myself that she was a person who, in the unlikely event we were ever able to spend a day together, we might come out of it friends. I don't know why I should think that--it's at least as likely she'd mock me by dancing around singing "Goody Two Shoes." But knowing me, I'd find that sexy.
But...lately I've felt the need to look away, as you might from an unstoppable trainwreck. And here's why.
First of all,
she's approaching a worrying proximity to Michael Jackson in the race of the changing face (and in her case, body). That article has a slideshow of Love's "looks" over the years--and I swear, as they go by, you can see the light also going from her eyes.
Maybe I over-poeticize, but t'hell with it.

COURTNEY LOVE was left so broke after her late husband KURT COBAIN's estate was allegedly looted, she relied on donations from strangers to pay her living costs.
The former Hole frontwoman was devastated to discover Cobain's legacy - at least $30 million (£20 million) in cash and a huge portfolio of property for his relatives - had been drained in a scam by employees hired to maintain the estate.
Her financial troubles became so dire, Love admits she and her daughter Frances Bean had just $14 (£9.30) to live on at one stage - and they had to rely on strangers to pay hotel bills while the family apartment was refurbished.
Love tells Britain's Style magazine, "When my bank account got frozen, we had $14.32 a week, so we lived off the kindness of strangers. The guy at the travel agency put his credit card down for the hotel. How insanely nice is that? And we are on the sixth floor. Not love nor money will buy you this floor."
You see what I mean re coherence. But this also engages my compassion for her, even though it makes her sound a bit like
Blanche DuBois...but then, I have a feeling that's not too far off.