You longtime fans...note how he optimistically yet again uses the plural...will know that I've had somewhat divided loyalties on the subject of the '24' show recently. On the one hand, I was genuinely offended by the show's creators and some of the actors
getting into bed with the evil wing of the Republican party("Chloe" even accepting a kiss from Rush Limbaugh, the whore).
But, on the other, god, yes, I remember how happy I was during the season finale. It was one of the only series that didn't disappoint me all year. But now it's won (certainly deserved) Emmys for best drama series, best actor for Kiefer Sutherland, and directing.
It's too popular. It's too succesful. It's time to bail. The backlash is coming, and I'm going to be out in front of it. I'm fairly certain I'm right about this, and fortunately I have about five months to think about it.
Other things to say about the Emmys:
Best dressed women...and when I say that, what I really mean is women whose breasts I most enjoyed (low-cut dresses are back in style...but I'll never understand how they ever go out)...

Jennifer Love Hewitt (left) and Katherine Heigl (below)

And speaking of...I do not know Kelly MacDonald. Don't think I've seen her in anything since "Trainspotting" ("Wake up Spud...Sex!! ... casual sex...!!") but, I love her.
Any woman who is sexy, can (apparently) act a bit, and thanks one person and one person only in her Emmy acceptance speech and it's the my kind of actress.
Helen Mirren also had some nice things to say in praise of writers and writing, especially those who write big parts for women. And the star-studded Los Angeles audience listened with the greatest of interest to everything she had to say, and then they went home and hoped their agents would get them a guest-star bit on "America's Got Talent."
You "fans" will also know I stopped watching "The West Wing" about three years ago, nevertheless, I'm pleased to learn that with Alan Alda's win last night the series set a new record for overall Emmys won by a drama series.
And I don't watch “Entourage,” but I've been a fan of Jeremy Piven's since "Cupid," so...
As for Blythe Danner winning again for "Huff"...well, as I think I said when the nominations were announced: If anybody from this season's misfire deserved a nomination it was Hank Azaria or Andy Comeau, their work was often the only thing worth watching.
But nobody from this season's misfire really deserved a nomination, much less the win. Sorry, Blythe. Nothing personal.
I thought Conan O'Brien did a teriffic job as host; actually much better than Jon Stewart did at the Oscars. Yet Stewart's presentation with Stephen Colbert was funnier than any of O'Brien's running bits.
It occurs to me that Stewart may be at his best when he's the
contrast to the establishment, as he was last night and as he is on his own program, not when he
is the establishment, as he was on Oscar night.