La escopeta de caza
("The hunting gun")
"Nuclear weaponry, of course, would be the be-all, end-all of just too many people in too many parts of our planet, so those dangerous regimes, again, cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, period."
Sen. John McCain said Thursday that Sen. Barack Obama’s poll numbers are rising as the economy seems to sink "because life isn’t fair."
So this is it, huh folks? John McCain--the "grown-up" candidate--has the emotional maturity of an Anthony Michael Hall character in a John Hughes movie.
"It's not fair it's not fair! I hate you! I'm gonna go drive around and listen to Billy Idol music!"
Who Would You Rather See in a Bikini? Sarah Palin? Or Pam Anderson?
Claiming "I'm not making any comparison here," O'Reilly asserted that like Pelosi, Hitler also "practiced for hours before making a speech"
Summary: On The O'Reilly Factor, after guest Tonya Reiman claimed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's body language during a recent speech suggested she "practices the speech too much," Bill O'Reilly responded: "You know who used to do that, who practiced for hours before making a speech? And I'm not making any comparison here. So, don't -- you crazy left-wing websites out there, it's not a comparison. Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler practiced for hours, all of his ... gestures and everything else before he went out there."
On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held a historic hearing to consider the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, S. 2521, which would provide equal family benefits to LGBT federal civilian employees.
Although the federal Office of Personnel Management was formally neutral on the bill at the start of the hearing, and its witness—Howard Weitzman, Deputy Director of OPM—submitted written testimony to that effect, Weitzman reversed course during the hearing after receiving a note from a colleague.
Weitzman stated that a domestic partner benefits program would be vulnerable to fraud, and cited the Adam Sandler film “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry,” in which two firefighters pose as domestic partners in order to secure health benefits. Weitzman, as quoted in today’s Washington Post, said at the hearing, “this is not farfetched.”
With the current economic situation, a record 70 percent of Americans disapprove of George W. Bush's job performance; a career-low 26 percent approve.
Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938.
McCain's problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he'd lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority.
Conservatives to McCain camp: Let Palin be Palin
Yes. Please. Oh dear god, do. Let Palin be the lying, cheating, antifeminist, unethical, wannabe book-banning, charge-women-for-their-own-rape-exams woman she is.
I think that's a great idea.
"This kind of vengeance machine," Ravich interjected, is "inside the Charlie Crews character [and] at any moment he could decide he's had enough and walk away. But if he needs that satisfaction - that vengeance that is very un-Zen-like - he'll never stop looking. And so, at some point, the question has to be asked is this enough? Have I closed enough circles? Have I sought enough - have I gained enough vengeance? And can I get back to life or will it never be enough. That conspiracy level works both from the inside and the outside."
Passengers (2008)
Synopsis: After a plane crash, a young therapist, Claire (Anne Hathaway), is assigned by her mentor (Andre Braugher) to counsel the flight's five survivors. When they share their recollections of the incident – which some say include an explosion that the airline claims never happened – Claire is intrigued by Eric (Patrick Wilson), the most secretive of the passengers. Just as Claire's professional relationship with Eric – despite her better judgment – blossoms into a romance, the survivors begin to disappear mysteriously, one by one. Claire suspects that Eric may hold all the answers and becomes determined to uncover the truth, no matter the consequences
Paul Begala calls Bush a 'high-functioning moron'
Paul Begala, the television commentator and Democratic strategist who with James Carville propelled Bill Clinton to the presidency in 1992, knew he was about to get into trouble on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" show Thursday night with his description of President Bush."I'm going to get in trouble. He's a high-functioning moron, and that's what Congress treats him as. Both parties."
An apple a day
Torture chic among the right
Ethics, what ethics?
Two campaigners less
Spooks in private life defeat
How can we elect?
Witch hunts of days past
To shut down dissenting speech
Try misdirection