But I don't really have to, now do I?
Universal Pictures has recoiled at the cost of the 3-D animated movie adaptation of the adventures of Tintin by two of Hollywood's top directors, Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.
The two legendary directors submitted to Universal a 130 million dollar budget to produce a trilogy of films based on the beloved Belgian comic-strip boy reporter.
Now, look. Spielberg's had his ups and downs with me, but if ever there was a picture he was born to make...and anyway: My feelings about some of them aside, since 2001 he's produced and/or directed more than a dozen movies with a combined gross of $1806.3 million.
And he's the winner of multiple Oscars, as is Peter Jackson, whose box office total (for the same period) is "only" $1249.3 million. And that's with Jackson directing and/or producing a third as many films.
(Figures via Rotten Tomatoes)
You know the economy is really in trouble when a movie studio won't back a film project based on one of the most succesful comic book series in the world; with Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson attached.
Yet that is what has happened.
Thank you, John McCain, thank you so very much...
held up posters and flags bearing slogans, including, "Run, Katie, run! And take Beck with you" and, "Free Katie, keep Tom [Cruise]", reports The Sun.
heavily Sunni Arab neighborhoods of Baghdad began emptying before a U.S. troop surge in 2007, graphic evidence of ethnic cleansing that preceded a drop in violence, according to a report published on Friday.
"By the launch of the surge, many of the targets of conflict had either been killed or fled the country, and they turned off the lights when they left," geography professor John Agnew of the University of California Los Angeles, who led the study, said in a statement.
"Our findings suggest that the surge has had no observable effect, except insofar as it has helped to provide a seal of approval for a process of ethno-sectarian neighborhood homogenization that is now largely achieved," Agnew's team wrote in their report.
She’s the anti-Wonder Woman. ...a superior religious self-righteousness … that’s just not what Wonder Woman is about. Hilary Clinton is a lot more like Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin.
Nor would Wonder Woman be the person to tell people how to live their lives.
...[Palin is] — anathema to what [Wonder Woman] stands for.
Allison thinks the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and '03 -- which John McCain promises to expand -- were "a solution for which there was no real problem." He thinks they were downright egregious once the nation went to war.
both false and deeply unfair. It's also un-Presidential...Mr. McCain is sounding like a candidate searching for a political foil rather than a genuine solution.
Michelle Obama asked voters Thursday to make their choice on the issues, not because, "I like that guy" or, "she's cute."
Might she be talking about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin?
"I'm talking about me," she said with a smile.
The survey was conducted between September 11 and Tuesday, so is likely to have been influenced by the latest US financial crisis which erupted at the weekend.
women have returned to Obama after favoring McCain by five points just two weeks ago. Obama now leads McCain by 54 percent to 38 percent among all women.Sarah Palin be damned.
"I have a great support system, a lot of people that love me," she said.
Schwartz was candid about how he envisioned change under a McCain presidency.
"Less taxes and more war," he said, smiling. He said the U.S. should "bomb the hell" out of Iran because the country threatens Israel.
Asked by the interviewer how America would pay for a military confrontation with Iran, he said the U.S. should take the country's resources.
"We should plant a flag. Take the oil, take the money," he said. "We deserve reimbursement."
If we forget this history, we're going to be doomed to repeat it -- with four more just like the last eight, or worse. If you're ready for four more years of George Bush, John McCain is your man. Just as George Herbert Walker Bush was nicknamed "Bush 41" and his son is known as "Bush 43," John McCain could easily become known as "Bush 44." The campaign a person runs says everything about the way they'll govern. John McCain has decided to bet the house on the politics perfected by Karl Rove. Those tactics may be good at squeaking by in an election but they are bad if you want to lead one nation, indivisible.
America needs more than a great solider, America needs a wise leader.
Yesterday I asked what consequences John MccCain might face for repeated instances of lying if he were still in the Navy. The UCMJ covers official lies and, more generally, immoral conduct. But there's also the US Naval Academy Honor Concept. The USNA makes clear it's not a 'code', in that it's not a specific set of rules but a general statement of moral conduct. But in the more colloquial sense most of us understand, it's the Academy's honor code, the rules of conduct midshipman are supposed to live by and against which they are judged.
The first two lines of the Concept are ...Midshipmen are persons of integrity: They stand for that which is right.
They tell the truth and ensure that the full truth is known. They do not lie.