`about nine-nil down with a few minutes to play, since you ask..."
Madonna around 1990, right? It's supposed to-that's a professional Madonna lookalike. But according to this site, the kids in the picture are from the Make- A - Wish foundation. Well, we all know the good work that the Make- A - Wish foundation does...telling children with terminal illnesses that they're going to meet Madonna and then giving them a lookalike.
If that's not a metaphor for life, with or without terminal illness, I don't know what is.
The powers that were saw no irony in programming a night of counselor Jell-O wrestling within a couple of days of a somber Holocaust memorial observance, complete with madatory screenings of the Holocaust documentary Night and Fog.
...I am definitely proud to be a Jew. If my fond memories of Miriam Zalinsky's boob slipping out during Jell-O wrestling had some subconcious influence on that, then the American Jewish experiement is working, though in weirder ways than anyone could have possibly expected.
And then there was Jennifer Grey's original, beautiful Jewish schnoz, emerging from the screen sloped but firm like one of the stamen in a Georgia O'Keefe painting, both phallic and feminine all at once.
Jennifer Grey, before and after plastic surgery.
...at least we can rest easy knowing we have driven him into the arms of the twin demons of Pink and Kelly Clarkson.
They didn’t say anything foul, they certainly didn’t touch me, and it wasn’t even close to harassment by the standards of our society.
If you read only one detective novel about a murdered shepherd told from the perspective of his sheep, translated from the German and written by a woman who looks like Emily Watson's twin this decade, this should be the one.
A Newsweek poll taken 7/2-3/07 finds approval of President Bush at 26%, disapproval at 65%, unchanged from Newsweek's previous poll done 6/18-19. With the addition of the Newsweek poll, the trend estimate stands at 27.9%.
This Newsweek poll was completed on the day the commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence was announced, so most respondents were interviewed before that news broke. With the 4th of July holiday interrupting most polling operations, new approval ratings taken entirely after the commutation will only become available this coming week.
Four of the six most recent polls (including two by Newsweek) are typically below trend, with two tending to fall above trend. It will be revealing to see some new polls from those with typically positive "house effects". While those could be as high as 33%, given my current trend estimate, we should expect Gallup to fall between 29% and 31%, given current trends and Gallup's typical house effect. ABC/WP who hasn't been heard from in a while might be expected at 29-32. It will be revealing if either comes in below (or more surprisingly, above) those ranges.
Reportedly Nugent admitted/bragged about multiple sexual encounters with minors in his interview with Behind the Music. On the same show, Nugent explained how he persuaded the parents of his seventeen-year-old girlfriend to make him her legal guardian on the theory that this would allow him to bang her with impunity. There was apparently more discussion of that incident in "The 100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock" in Spin sometime in 2000, but I can't find a link. Courtney Love reportedly told Howard Stern that she gave Nugent oral sex when she was 12 and he was 28.
Remember the Nebraska judge who banned the word 'rape' during a rape case?
Well the alleged rape victim is having none of it."I refuse to call it sex, or any other word that I'm supposed to say, encouraged to say on the stand, because to me that's committing perjury. What happened to me was rape, it was not sex."
Andrea Schicke Hirsch:
Chick-Lit is any work of fiction that relates a compelling human story with wit, insight, intelligence and heart. Sometimes even a male writer can pull it off.
Bride Attacks Groom With Stiletto Shoe
Scottish bride Teresa Brown's dream of a perfect wedding day probably did not include attacking the groom with her stiletto shoe and spending the weekend in a cell.
Police arrested the 33-year-old in the couple's hotel room in April while her wedding reception continued downstairs, prosecutor Alan Townsend said Tuesday at Aberdeen Sheriff Court. She spent the rest of her wedding weekend in a cell.
And I'll tell ya, somewhere my girl Kirsty is putting her feet up for a laugh and a drink, and singing...
(the way she dances, it's a scandal)
Then I met an Englishman
"Oh" he said
"Won't you walk up and down my spine,
It makes me feel strangely alive."
I said "In these shoes?
"I doubt you'd survive."
I said "Honey, let's do it.
Let's stay right here."