Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sentences that should have been avoided

This joke is not intended as mud-slingling or a reverse endorsement...but if ever a photo was just crying out for the caption:

"Don't cry for me Argentina..."

I'm about a third of the way through A Woman In Charge: The Life Of Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Carl Bernstein. It's pretty good, so far. Some of it might not be new to Clinton experts, but I'm not one. I don't know yet if it makes me feel better or worse about the job she might do as President, but I think at least it'll make me feel more informed about her, and I always like to feel informed.

And I do credit Bernstein for not interjecting his own voice into the story even when it might seem to be begging him to. As when Rodham Clinton decries "a press that is far out of line because of Watergate."

More, possibly, when I've actually finished the thing. However, on page 202, he makes a mistake that any 16-year-old could have told him to avoid.

Nonetheless, Hillary's appearance on 60 Minutes was a triumph, and probably had saved Bill's candidacy-because she had indeed stood by her man, as she would do again on the Today show when Monica Lewinsky became (like Gennifer Flowers) a household name. Bill finished second in the New Hampshire primary-a near miracle, given what they had been through. His campaign, and Hillary, were not about to go down.

Sentences that should have been avoided.

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