It has begun.
(Photo "Honeymooners" by McNeney.)
(If you don't know what movie the quotes come from, don't tell me. I don't wanna know...)
From the front, she’s all woman, but actress Selma Blair says not everybody gets that from behind. “I had long hair for a while … but I wanted to go back to my Tom Cruise cut,” the “Cruel Intentions” star explained to Elle magazine (excerpted on Digital Spy). “I told my hairdresser to shave the back and leave the front long.” Apparently her sassy new ‘do left some confused. “Then someone thought I was Tom from the back.
Selma Blair is looking for love – and average Joes could be in with a chance.
The Cruel Intentions actress, 35, says she's on the look-out for an older guy 'who's not afraid to look like a fool'.
She told Elle magazine: 'I want to hang out with someone not so polished.'
But then, curious, I took a glance at who she is. Her name is Celeste Lear and, turns out, she's a musician. Her MySpace page describes her music as "Electronica / Alternative / Down-tempo."
I like it, enough to make a mental note to see if I can score a copy of her upcoming CD to review for Ink19.
You Are Very Skeptical |
![]() Your personal motto is: "Prove it." While some ideas, like life after death, may seem nice... You aren't going to believe them simply because it feels good. You let science and facts be your guide... Even if it means you don't share the beliefs of those around you. |
You Are 42% Vain |
![]() You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence. Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you! |
Contestants were selected according to their intelligence, humor, charisma, and ambition.
With the Super Bowl fast approaching, a senior Republican senator says he wants the NFL to explain why it destroyed evidence of the New England Patriots cheating scandal.
The matter may not compare to the CIA's destruction of interrogation tapes, Specter said, but he added, "I do believe that it is a matter of importance. It's not going to displace the stimulus package or the Iraq war, but I think the integrity of football is very important, and I think the National Football League has a special duty to the American people - and further the Congress - because they have an antitrust exemption."
If a law could be passed that would prevent anything like this from ever happening again, my heart tells me that would be a good law.
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 44% |
![]() Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Average You do well in most group settings, but you also need time to recharge. So while you can work with people during the day, you may crave your alone time at night. For you, it's all about balance! |
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system. And while this may not seem big, it can be. It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes. You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices. |