Another day, another set of memes.
5 things
INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.
1. Wylie’s Words
2. Tennessee Text Wrestling
3. Sophisticated Writer
4. The Urban Recluse
5. Dictionopolis in Digitopolis
Next, select five people to tag.
Well frankly, the last time I tagged anyone all I got was kvetching from people about how they couldn't think of eight interesting things about themselves. Or not even eight people read their blogs. Who needs the tsuris?
If you're reading this, and you think it might be nice to try, consider yourself tagged. Otherwise, on with the questions!
What were you doing ten years ago?I had just moved here. It's been 10 years. I didn't want to think about that. I hated this miserable godforsaken stinking city then and I still do.
What were you doing one year ago?Kind of being stalked by a desperate housewife who'd gone briefly crazy.
Deciding that I'm only slightly less disgusted with Democrats than with Republicans.
Figuring out how to post embedded video clips to this blog.
Wishing Bush, Rumsfeld and Rove would be charged as murderers.
Mocking the Bush daughters.
Briefly renouncing Anne Hathaway because she said she had to do a movie with overrated, talentless hack Tim Burton before she died.

It didn't take, for obvious reasons.
Five snacks you enjoy.
1. Chocolate covered marshmallows
2. Doritos
3. Ellen Barkin in 1987

...sorry, I was miles away. On with the list!
4. Brach's fruit snacks
5. Chocolate chip cookies (microwaved)
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics.Hm. These are best guesses, since like most nonprofessionals, I mainly sing songs when I have the recording going with me to prompt me if I forget. But...
1. Help Me (Oingo Boingo)
2. Flex (Figures On A Beach)
3. Automatic (Zoot Woman)
4. Fools in Love (Joe Jackson)
5. Everytime You Go Away (Paul Young, written by Daryl Hall)
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire.1. Buy every single piece of top
Consumer Reports-rated audio and visual equipment I could get my hands on.
2. "
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend, the movie, scene one, take one...
3. Endow a library somewhere like
East Palo Alto.
4. Hire a personal trainer to help me get fit.
5. Buy a house with a pool.
Five bad habits.1. Doing memes.
2. Letting my expectations get too high and then, inevitably, being let down.
3. Reacting to problems by becoming paralyzed instead of working through them or, god forbid, asking for help.
4. I might say, being single-minded about my art, but the truth is, I don't really think that's a bad habit. What's bad is what happens to the rest of my life while all that's going on.
5. Just in general, not taking very good care of myself.
Five things you like doing.1. Having that dream about finding the girl who has the face of Madonna (from 85 to 91)...

... the mind of
Amy Gardner, and the body of

Lisa Edelstein.
It's a bitch when I wake up, though.
2. Finding characters in my head and then trying to get them down on paper as best I can.
3. Seeing those characters brought to life...when it's done by professionals and not losers.
4. Watching the new Doctor Who
5. Reading interviews with Terry Gilliam/watching his movies.
Five things you would never wear again.
1. A black, sparkly disco shirt (don't ask)
2. Way-too-short-shorts that I once wore to Jr. High gym
3. A red shirt with a yellow scarf. Or maybe it was the other way around, I don't remember. The point is, I looked like a hamburger.
4. Fishnet stockings (no, really, don't ask)
5. A Kajagoogoo t-shirt. Okay, so I never have worn such a t-shirt, but I'm sure I never will again.
I'm ignoring the rules to this next one as I see fit, but if you wanna see 'em, they're here.
(The...Goals meme)
1) In a new blog post, list and write about the top 5 to 10 goals that you gotta’ get so that you can truly say you have achieved your wildest dreams in life.
1. I gotta see one of my plays/screenplays acted by a full cast of professional actors. I'd even settle for hearing the book version of
MGB read by a professional actress.
2. I need to tell my story, because only the truth or something like it expressed through art will set me free, and you never know, it might help somebody else. He said cryptically.
3. I need a life as charmed as those I try to create for my favorite characters.
4. I need Ginger to think that something I wrote is great. He said even more cryptically.
5. I need to get drunk enough to dance around to my favorite kind of music without caring who's watching.