how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
Point taken, and I feel properly chastised. But humorous or not, the statement was still idiotic.
John Hajduk
David Bowie, "inventor of rock and roll"? I like your blog, but that's about the most idiotic thing I've read in I don't know how long. It's also incredibly disrespectful to all those folks who preceded him (and who I'd guess he'd credit himself).
John Hajduk
She is proving herself temperamentally unfit for the presidency.
Moreover, it's obviously true that Obama not campaigning, organizing, or advertizing in those states hurt him, and helped the more familiar candidate in Clinton.
``You know she still may win this -- but whatever the outcome, new ground has been broken, and it won't be left broken. It will be built upon.''
House subpoenas Karl Rove
Called to testify at inquiry on political meddling at Justice Deptartment
The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday subpoenaed former White House top political adviser Karl Rove to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department.
Accusations of politics influencing decisions at the department led to last year's resignation of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
...you can't bring your hobbies in to work, okay?
Got it.
Except on Star Trek holidays. [exits]
There's no such thing as a Star Trek holiday.
Well, work hard around here. We'll make one.
Campaigning with his wife in Kentucky, former President Clinton dismissed Obama's inevitable claim on pledged delegates.
"There won't be tonight, unless you decapitate Michigan and Florida, which violates our values and is dumb politics," Bill Clinton said.
Oh, good. A lecture on the violation of values and dumb politics by Bill "Mr. Moral Authority" Clinton.
I really can't believe how sick I am of both of them at this point...
Marking 10 years after Sports Night's initial premiere on network television, the multiple award-winning cast and creative team come together for the first time on DVD when Shout! Factory presents Sports Night: The Complete Series 10th Anniversary Edition DVD box set on September 30, 2008. Offering the first comprehensive Sports Night experience ever, the 8-DVD collector's box set contains all 45 acclaimed episodes, a special 10th Anniversary book, and 2 full discs of exclusive bonus features that reveal the genesis, life and afterlife of the series with all-new interviews, behind-the-scenes featurettes, gag reels, deleted scenes, and commentaries featuring the principal cast and creative team. You don't have to know sports to enjoy Sports Night.
From creator and executive producer Aaron Sorkin, executive produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Tony Krantz, Thomas Schlamme and Rob Scheidlinger, and produced by Imagine Television in association with Touchstone Television, Sports Night debuted on ABC on September 22, 1998 and received an extraordinary reception from television critics and fans alike. Brimming with wry wit and high-brow humor, Sports Night is not a program about sports. The show provides an all-access pass to the inner workings of a high pressure cable newsroom and sheds lights on those dedicated news anchors and crew who ultimately push personal conflicts aside to bring their audience the best sports program offered on television...sometimes against considerable personal odds.
"You need therapy"
"I'm in therapy."
"You need more."
-"Kyle Whitaker's Got Two Sacks," Sports Night.
I nonetheless continue to be amazed at the rose-colored glasses that so many conservatives use these days when they talk about the old Soviet Union. Back in the day they sure didn't think the Soviets were rational. They didn't think much of MAD either, a term initially invented by conservatives as a term of ridicule. And communism was very much considered an apocalyptic, expansionist ideology that would never rest until the West was buried.
U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama says that Republicans should direct their attacks at him and not his wife Michelle.
He was referring to a video posted on YouTube by the Tennessee Republican Party last week that targeted a remark Michelle Obama made in February.
When [Reagan] and Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 1987, which for the first time eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons, Buckley's National Review dubbed it "suicide." The Conservative Caucus took out a full-page newspaper ad saying "Appeasement is as unwise in 1988 as in 1938." It paired photos of Reagan and Gorbachev with photos of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler.
The Bush administration has been little different, refusing for years to talk to North Korea or Iran about their nuclear programs because it wanted to defeat evil, not talk to it. The result was that Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon and Iran's uranium program continued unfettered. (By contrast, when the administration negotiated with Libya -- an act that its chief arms controller, John Bolton, had previously derided as, yes, "appeasement" -- it succeeded in eliminating Tripoli's nuclear program.)