Tonya Harding, born November 12, 1970. Yes, Harding's a train wreck of a woman with arguably the worst taste in men on record, but be honest, now: With the benefit of hindsight, wouldn't you have clubbed Nancy K?
Besides, she's got that white trash thing going for her that I find so attractive...
Martha Plimpton, born November 16, 1970.

Although she's kept working consistently in film, television and theater to the present day, Plimpton is a bit like Emily Lloyd in that, arguably, at least in films, she's never equalled some of her earliest work.
Check her out in Running On Empty (speaking of underrated movies, as I was yesterday) sometime. In the midst of a story about the aftermath of the sometimes violent protests of the early '70s, there's one of the most realistic portrayals of a teen relationship ever.
It's between her and the character played by the late River Phoenix, whom she also dated in real life. But we all know that doesn't always lead to steamy chemistry onscreen...don't we, Ben & Jen?
BTW, I once interviewed Plimpton by phone when she was promoting the forgettable 200 Cigarettes. I doubt it was the best interview of her life, but I hope it wasn't the worst, either.
Sabrina Lloyd, born November 20th, 1970. Seriously-I have no idea why Lloyd isn't a huge star. Maybe it's the name. It certainly isn't a lack of talent or looks.
She's probably most famous as Natalie, the extremely hot and extremely able assistant producer on Sports Night. Meaning she has just about the most important credit I can see in an actor, a starring role on an Aaron Sorkin/Tommy Schlamme series. It means she can pretty much do anything, as far as I'm concerned.
Here she is helping Dan through a bout of writer's block:
The only bad thing about the above clip is that it's from one of the early episodes when the show still had a laugh track forced upon it. But after you have a look at that and fall in love with her, you might want to go to YouTube where there's about a baker's dozen other clips.
Then you'll want to have a look at the Sports Night DVDs...