This is derived from a long meme I found on
Becca's blog. She answered all 30 questions in one post; I think the original idea was to answer one a day for a month. I'm shooting for something in-between, breaking it down into three parts...which seemed appropriate.

1. All-time favorite character in
Star WarsYoda. According to one of those quizzes (which as we know are never wrong) he's the
Attack of the Clones character I'd be.

2. Favorite member of the Rebellion
Luke Skywalker. Or Leia Organa. Or Han Solo. Or C3PO...this is hard!

3. Favorite member of the Empire
I suppose I can't say Galen Marek, can I? He was Vader's apprentice but never actually, ooh, Juno Eclipse!

4. Favorite Jedi
Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi. Honestly it's a toss up between him and Yoda for all-time favorite or favorite Jedi.
5. Favorite droid
6. Favorite type of ship, or specific ship

7. Favorite planet
Kamino. I like a watery world, so it was either this or the Gungan part of Naboo, and that was
never going to happen.

8. Favorite movie in the original trilogy
Empire Strikes Back
9. Favorite movie in the prequel trilogy
Attack of the Clones10. Favorite photo that’s related to
Star WarsThe Yoda-Buddha!