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I could go along with that...except Wednesday nights are no good (that's when I watch Life). However, Sarah Connor would go great after Bones on Thursdays...
It's fine to have fun as a fan, but to define yourself as a fanboy -- to offer that as the reply to "what are you?" -- is sad.
David Boreanaz' Bones alter ego will suffer a life-threatening health crisis this May that will cause him to hallucinate. Well, I can finally reveal the destination of his head trip: Quahog, Rhode Island. Put another way, Booth is getting a visit from Family Guy's acid-tongued baby villain, Stewie!
Y'know, I could forgive this--even though I find Family Guy sickeningly unfunny--I could forgive this, if Bones' ratings were in trouble and it needed the help. But according to the latest ratings, it's number one in its timeslot.
It's Family Guy that needs the help (number three in its timeslot). So why let it mess up Bones?
Why, god, why?
(Best guess: Because The Simpsons won't have anything to do with it and That '70's Show is off the air.)
PS: This won't make sense to those of you who don't watch the series, but as long as Booth's having hallucinations, couldn't one of them be the whole "Zach is apprentice to a cannibalistic serial killer" thing? I really miss that guy...
One of the most deadly spiders in the world has been found in the produce section of a Tulsa grocery store. An employee of Whole Foods Market found the Brazilian Wandering Spider Sunday in bananas from Honduras and managed to catch it in a container.
The spider was given to University of Tulsa Animal Facilities director Terry Childs who said this type of spider kills more people than any other.
Childs said a bite will kill a person in about 25 minutes and while there is an antidote he doesn't know of any in the Tulsa area.
Spiders often are found in imported produce, and a manager at Whole Foods says the store regularly checks its goods and that's how the spider was found.
(2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage (same-sex marriage)
Sylvester Stallone has been making some additions to the cast of his up and coming film The Expendables. Actor and WWE alum, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and horror actress Charisma Carpenter have been added to the lineup of an already all-star cast including Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Forest Whitaker, Mickey Rourke, Danny Trejo and Eric Roberts.
On the one hand, we got Stallone...who pretty much peaked as a writer with Rocky...35 years ago. As an actor, he still can be kind of fun when he pokes fun at himself, but how often does he do that? As a director, well...he's probably more accomplished at it than I am...
Then the cast. Jason Statham is in a lot of crap movies. So is Jet Li, though it hasn't seemed to have hurt his fame any (I think it's the name). Same goes for Danny Trejo.
Dolph Lundgren, of course, simply never peaked at all. I've never heard of this Randy Couture fellow (apparently he, like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, is a wrestler of some reknown).
On the other hand, I maintain that Charisma Carpenter is capable of creating a well-layered character...when she's given good scripts, which this may or may not be.
Forest Whitaker is an acclaimed, Academy Award-winning actor. Mickey Rourke just rose back to the top.
Eric Roberts is coming off of a big hit with The Dark Knight, as well as having been in Heroes on television...so he might finally be shaking off that whole "brother of Julia/father of Emma" thing.
Place your bets...
On Reliable Sources, Tucker Carlson asserted regarding Jon Stewart's recent criticism of CNBC's Jim Cramer: "This was a partisan attack. He went after -- he went after Cramer the moment Cramer criticized [President] Obama's budget. That was the mortal sin. That's what kicked off this entire feud." Carlson made a similar claim to the Politico. In fact, Stewart criticized Cramer at least as far back as March 17, 2008, for claiming that investment firm Bear Stearns was "not in trouble" less than a week before the company collapsed.