Saturday, December 15, 2007
Random confessions of a man who loves full animation
Charisma of Magritte

But, I know, you say, what is really missing here? What could possibly make this image more fascinating and seductive than it already is?

Charisma Carpenter in the nude, of course.
We'll always be Together in electric dreams
When you were young and on your own
how did it feel to be alone?
I was always thinking
games that I was playing
trying to make the best of my time.

We'll always be Together in electric dreams

this is where we all fall out
I touch my hand
and I can hear her dance
And I see you glowing
I always, I always, I always, I always...
Dream, dream in red
Lyrics one "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" by Neil Young, though I'm thinking of the St. Etienne version.
Photo one by Hal Gage, via Benham Gallery.
Lyric two from "Together In Electric Dreams" by Giorgio Moroder Featuring Phil Oakley.
Lyrics three from "All Fall Out" by Thompson Twins.
Images two and three found via White Light Black Light, the blog of a Northern California, "Individualist Spiritualist Anarchist Barbie," Alice.
Nude women are always in context

Artist: Noel Bensted

I could marry Chloe Sevigny...

By Tom Wesselmann, via

Credit: Danny Conant case I haven't mentioned it much in the past year...I love Texas women.

Friday, December 14, 2007
That is NOT Reed, Sue, Johnny, or Ben, and don't even get me started on Victor Von Doom.

Things I have a hard time believing: The RT consensus for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer says that it's "an improvement on its predecessor."
If that's the case, its predecessor, which I haven't seen, must have sucked beyond my comprehension. Oh, my god.
First things first: With the odd exception, nobody acts much like their be scrupulously fair, Ioan Gruffudd has a moment, Chris Evans

I hope Michael Chiklis made a nice piece a' change and considered it a paid vacation.

And Jessica Alba...she may be delightful to look at, but I don't know which I think the young mother-to-be has less of: Charisma or acting talent.
Julian McMahon...look, he really doesn't deserve worse--or better--than to say he's miscast.

Bending over backwards to be kind, it's impossible to know how much of his irritating performance is his fault and how much the direction and writing.
See why I asked you not to get me started?
Worst of all, the film looks cheap. And I guess they must have needed money, because it tries the sleazy trick of incorporating blatant product placement while having characters fret about commmercial endorsements.
I'll stop now, to keep from boring you (I heard the ones saying "too late"). I guess it was too much to ask that I should rent two movies derived from Marvel comic books, which recieved rotten reviews; finding I disagreed with the critics on both.
Oh for a girl (the bomb baby) Fix me a world (blue shoes), Oh for it stirred or it shaken (got to get to know you)

Pull me through (the bomb baby) what can I do? (blue shoes)
Oh now I know I'm mistaken (got to get to love you)
Could you get me a new philosophy?
'cos I want you baby I do want you baby
I got to see a prophet girl
before the day is out (yes I do)
And I don't want apothecary girl
'cos I want you baby I do want you baby
I got to see the Avatar, to talk the world away...
-Philosophy Now by Scritti Politti
I don't like Christianity when it does things that should be beneath it
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has introduced a resolution (H.Res. 847) saying, and I am not making this up, that Christmas and Christians are important. The House is scheduled to vote on this groundbreaking resolution on Tuesday.
Get a grip, Steve (and yes, his name makes me feel like I'm dreaming too).
Update - The House passed this bill today. The vote, surprisingly, was 372-9, with 10 members also voting "Present," meaning they took no position on the legislation, and 40 not voting. One of the "Present" votes was cast by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.). More Democrats -195 - voted for the bill than Republicans, 177.
The nine members who voted against the bill - God bless them! - are Reps. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), Bobby Scott (D-Va.), Pete Stark (D-Calif.) and Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).
I take some pride in the fact that my elected Representative, "Bagdad" Jim McDermott (one of the 100 worst Americans!), is one of those who voted agin.
And that's all I'll say, except to add that I'm with this guy, and strongly recommend you go read what he says.
I think this shot of Scarlett Johansson shows a side I've never seen before.
Remember how I said that Waitress was sweet? Well Ghost Rider is suh-weet!
To me a "guilty pleasure" is something about which you say "I know, but..." With Ghost Rider, yeah, I know, it takes itself almost as seriously as Hulk, and yeah, some of the dialogue is leaden.
I don't care. It's too much fucking fun. Unlike Hulk, it doesn't collapse under its own weight, and the stars know what to do with the dialogue, which is to take a great big bite out of it.
Nicholas Cage plays Johnny-as-Elvis, and Eva Mendes actually gives me a reason to watch her besides the fact that I think she's so hot she's actually bad for my eyes.

And she's good people. Plus, you gotta love her fashion sense.

I do, anyway.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Her divorce seems to be getting cold, however. Ironically for such a hottie. One or two of the other blogs are writing, shall we say, ungracious things about Ms. Carpenter in the light of that news item. I'm not going to.
Partly, yes, because I think she's a hottie. Partly because I genuinely do think she's underrated as an actress. But also because nobody really knows what goes on between two people in a marriage except for the two people themselves.
Plus, if you believe in signs, her son has the same name as one of my cats...
And now, a tasteful label

Ahem. Kelly (Clarkson) got back!
Don't get me wrong, I like some of her records, too, but damn, girl!
Thursday, December 13, 2007 Speedy Gonzales would say, holy frijoles!
I can live with that
I said there'd be days like this
You are a Mild Mama |
![]() You don't have to be screaming at the top of your lungs to have a good time You rather chill, soak in the moment, and appreciate life for what it is Guys appreciate your "take life as it comes" approach... (Though they wouldn't mind if you got a little wild from time to time!) |
This ought to put to rest those rumors that I'm gay
You Are a Light Pink Rose |
![]() You represent sweetness and grace. Your vibe: Kind and gentle Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend |