Sunday, August 12, 2007

Actually, that's closer to the way I feel about her

Gaije has what should probably be the last words on Hillary Clinton's cleavage "problem," including:

All this is largely by way of explaining my initial reaction to Washington Post fashionista Robin Givhan's July 20th article, "Hillary Clinton's Tentative Dip into New Neckline Territory."

Rereading Ghivan's article...I became aware of something [odd]. I realized just how frequently she'd used words rarely used to describe Senator Clinton. Words like "tentative," "noncommittal," "tortured," and "ambivalent," all in the service of exposing Clinton's hitherto unnoticed lack of confidence. Odd, really, isn't all that?

It's true, those are all words I would use to describe my own feelings about Mrs. Clinton before I would use them to describe her apparent feelings about herself.

Well, maybe "tortured" under some cirumstances...

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