Monday, June 18, 2007

At first, I was going to say "All right!" But...what the hell?

Becca found this online tool that scans your blog and assigns it a rating, a la the film ratings board. No Smoking in the Skull Cave is rated "G." As Becca said in the entry, "guess the ratings board didn't see all the pictures of naked girls I've posted in the past."

Dictionopolis in Digitopolis is rated "R." Why? Four uses of the word "gay," two uses of the word "shit" and one of the word "lesbian."


First of all, I post pictures of naked girls too...just not as many as Becca. She's really got an eye. But second, she got away with a "G" for "1 use of the word "kill" and 1 use of the word "dyke." Dig it, I used the word gay, which in context simply means homosexual. I used the word shit, which isn't even on the list of words you can't say on television anymore. And I used the word lesbian, which, again, is merely descriptive.

Becca used a word that describes the ultimate crime of depriving someone of their life, and a slang term that can be considered disparaging and offensive. Though she certainly didn't mean it that way.

But I get an "R" and she gets a "G?" "Dyke" is okay, but "gay" and "lesbian" are not?

You know what's great about this? This is exactly how the MPAA works. They assign ratings with an apparent lack of rhyme or reason, with no consistency and often to fit a political agenda. And famously, violence-"kill"-is acceptable, while sexuality, especially female sexuality and homosexuality, is not.

It's not often you find an online tool that works as such perfect satire.

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