Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How to know when you've reached new stages in your goddess-like worship of Anne Hathaway

#1: You catch a bit of the hit animated film Hoodwinked, in which she performs a starring voice, on television.

And when she says "You're a bad little bunny" kinda turns you on a little.

#2: She's on the David Letterman show talking about false rumors of who she's dating now.

Her third example, if it were true, would be a lesbian relationship.

And you wonder if there's any way you can convince your friends it was a secret signal to you, and you'll be married before the year is out.

#3: Later that same appearance, she uses the term "brain fart."

And you realize that even when she says the word "fart," you see hearts and flowers in her eyes.

And of course, 4: Mentioning her in three separate posts on your blog in less than 24 hours.

The first step is admitting that you have a problem...

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