Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Short TV ratings news

Via Marc Berman.

My luck.

Friday Night Lights, a show I liked at first but has been losing more and more of my attention each week, has been picked up for a full season.

Meanwhile, Veronica Mars, a show I was tentative about early this year due to having been disappointed in the second season, has been giving me one "wow" episode after another.

And, after gaining some ratings points while House was on hiatus, now that it's back Veronica has slipped back into the "losers" pile in the ratings.

Irony is, I believe Veronica and House shouldn't be in competition with one another. I believe most people who like one, like me, would like the other. In a perfect world I'd like to see Veronica at eight and House at nine, maybe even on the same network.

But as I'm reminded daily, it's not a perfect world.

PS: And just to add insult to injury, more people would still rather watch The Unremarkable Adventures of the Stupid Whore & Her Daughter (formerly Gilmore Girls) than Veronica.

Did Rob Thomas desecrate a shrine in his youth or something?

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