Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not that my opinion matters, and I gather it's a minority one, but:

Sorry, John Edwards is still a jackass. The fact that he spent even a day on a no-brainer like this lessens him in my eyes.

And that his statement panders so to anyone who thinks people like Bill Donahue and Michelle Malkin have any right to talk about offensive language. To make matters worse, he's cut off-metaphorically-Amanda Marcotte and Melissa (Shakespeare's Sister) McEwen's "balls" as well.

I now know that any blogging they do for his campaign will be vetted, probably multiple times by multiple people. And the chances of their individual voices coming through are as likely as the chances of a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

I have any number of candidates to choose from if I want bloodless, colorless language in service of weasely, spineless politicians whose opinions are at the service of the pollsters. I don't even have to leave the democratic party.

And especially almost a year before New Hampshire, I see no need to put up with it for even a moment. I'm outta here.

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