Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'd say it was desperation that made these men say anything so profoundly vulgar and stupid...

...but let's face it, these men were vulgar and stupid when they were prosperous.

As you have no doubt heard, Barack Obama is taking a long weekend off from his campaign to go to Hawaii and see his grandmother, who is sick. You may also know that this woman was much more than a grandmother to Obama; if you read his books, you know he loves her very much.

I don't know if anyone (even she) could blame a politician in Obama's position right now, with less than two weeks to go before the election, if he didn't fly to her side. But I am absolutely sure that no one with an ounce of taste or intelligence could question his motivations for doing so. She made him a priority, and so now he's making her one.

Which brings me to Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and Jerome Corsi, who have been saying that Obama's really going over there to get his birth certificate.

See, these professional assholes love to talk up the idea that Obama doesn't have one from the US. Even though that has been debunked at least half-a-dozen times. And now they're so attached to the idea, they're willing to question a man's love for the woman who helped raise him.

Yeah, I know. Knock you over with a feather, right?

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