Tuesday, December 09, 2008

That's how much we hate Bush.

Look. I'm a Democrat. As is obvious. I'm glad Obama is the President-elect, and I think he'll do a good job. That said, I don't take very seriously his approval ratings at this point, for the--again, obvious--reason simply that he hasn't done anything yet.

His first "real" report card comes, as far as I'm concerned, after the first 100 days, fabled in song and story. After that, we see how it goes until 2010 (The Year We Make Contact).


Serious-taking or not, how can you not like this line from CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider?

"An Obama job approval rating of 79 percent! That’s the sort of rating you see when the public rallies around a leader after a national disaster. To many Americans, the Bush Administration was a national disaster,"

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