Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's not that I don't like your thinking, Joe...

Joe Scarborough is one of those rare Republicans whom I very, very occasionally find myself agreeing with. Oh, don't get me wrong--he's a smug Republican pretty-boy, but as smug Republican pretty-boys go, he's pretty easy to take.

This is not one of those occasions.

Scarborough wondered today why, to rescue the economy, we can't just do the same things we did in the '80s. As I say, Joe, I like your thinking. The same things we did in the '80s? That means:

M*A*S*H in the evening, G.I Joe in the afternoons
Tootsie & Return of the Jedi in the theaters
Toto's "Africa," Olivia Newton-John's "Physical" and Madness song after Madness song after Madness song on the radio and on MTV
And the 1982 Trans Am on the road.

...believe me, Joe, I like your thinking...but the thing is, less than a month ago, columnist and economist Paul Krugman explained why economically, that very idea simply couldn't work...and he explained it to you.

A for effort, tho, Joseph.

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