Thursday, July 02, 2009

Um...because she's a divisive joke, Douglas?

Douglas MacKinnon, Former press secretary to Sen. Bob Dole, asks:
"Why do so many on the left have such an unhinged hatred of [Sarah Palin]? Why do so many alleged feminists and female members of the mainstream media openly and gleefully despise Palin?..."

First of all, Doug, whatever the feelings of many of the left towards Palin, they are in no way unhinged. Rather, they are a quite sane reaction to someone of such nauseating ignorance being selected to be, as they say, "a heartbeat away from the presidency."

And I like the way you say "alleged feminists," as though if you dislike Palin, you must not be a real feminist, and vice-versa. I can't speak for female members of the mainstream media, but if they dislike Palin--openly, gleefully or otherwise--my guess would be:

It's because she's a dirty politician who engages in the worst kinds of character smears and attacks. Even though she's a woman, they are allowed to dislike her for that. As am I.

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Totally agree with you about Palin. She is the worst kind of hypocrite who judges others if only to deflect attention from her own significant shortcomings. Dumber than a bag of hammers and would pimp out her children if it meant one more vote. Having used up Bristol for all the attention she could muster from the media she was given a gift from David Letterman so that she could treat Willow the same way. But we could talk about her failings all day long but she will never get it. Ignorant people like her are immune to self-reflection.