Tuesday, July 19, 2005

These are a few of my favorite flicks

Bill, that Pop Culture Gadabout, has tossed down the gauntlet of movie meme. And since I recently gave you a little play on what I don't like about movies of today...

...I thought it might be a cheery thing to do to list some of the movies of which I do think fondly. Meaningless defining rule: I'm speaking not necessarily of Great Works Of Film As Literature, but to those perennials that have stood the test of time for me personally.

But first, in Bill's words, the following disclaimer:

Of course, this list'll most likely change in my mind tomorrow, but for now it'll do.

Now then. Wendy, is the water warm enough? Shall we begin?


Broadcast News. One of the most influential movies on what, if you squint, you could call my style.

Radio Days. Almost the only Woody Allen film I actually like, but I do like it a lot.

Aliens. I still think I think a reason the last two Aliens movies didn't work is because they killed Newt at the beginning of the third one.

The Big Chill. As a rule, I hate boomers, and yet I love this movie. Go figure.

The World According To Garp. No, not just for the "good parts."


The Hunt For Red October. "No, you don't understand. I'm Sean Connery. I don't learn Russian, you hire a scottish crew, so I blend in."
(Still my favorite Rick Overton line)

Silence of the Lambs. It's amazing what a bang-up script can do to make art out of horror.

The Fisher King. Screw Good Will Hunting. Williams deserved the Oscar for this.

Groundhog Day. Besides just being a great comedy, it was the first Bill Murray movie where you buy the romance. I was going to say "the only," till I remembered Lost In Translation.

The American President. My first Sorkin. Blow to the target, blame Cupid, Cupid...

Leaving Las Vegas. That beautiful soundtrack. Elizabeth Shue. Do I have to go on?

The Usual Suspects. It's not just what it's about. It's the way it is what it's about.

It's My Party. Again, for a lot of things, but I'm trying to keep these short so I'll say for a truly gifted ensemble cast.

Boogie Nights. Point in its favor: It gave us Heather Graham. Point against it: It gave us Heather Graham.

My Best Friend's Wedding. Yeah. I'm so tough...

The Iron Giant. All honor to The Incredibles, but this is Brad Bird's best film.

Early 21st Century:

New Waterford Girl. Absolutely terrific Canadian movie that won praise from critics but was sadly unappreciated by audiences in this country. They run it occasionally on Sundance, but it's worth checking your video store; if this post makes you watch only one film, this should be the one.

The Lord Of The Rings. Yes, all three. I don't have to give reasons, do I?

Finding Nemo. Not just the greatest CGI film ever made, not only one of the greatest animated films ever made...one of the very best films of any kind ever made.

Ice Age. Okay, so this is only about three-quarters as good...but that's still pretty good.

Sideways. If you're a writer, and/or if you read the old blog, you know why.

The Concert For George. Everything you want in a tribute concert.

Ocean's 11. Proof that light all-star fluff doesn't always have to be insultingly painful, or vice versa.


Ben Varkentine said...

Surely you must have seen Aliens, at least...me, I go see things like Finding Nemo in the theatre and don't care if people look at me strangely.

It's the Anne Hathaway movies like Princess Diaries 2 I'm embarassed to go see in the theater. Or rent on video...thank god for cable.

You're right, Finding Nemo is beautiful no matter where you see it.

I may be wrong, but I don't think Elisabeth Shue (on whom I've had a crush since Karate Kid, thank you very much) was in it, though.

Certainly she's uncredited, if she is.

Ben Varkentine said...

Well, God's gonna strike you with lightning...'cause that was Elizabeth PERKINS (Tom Hanks' girlfriend in Big).

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