Saturday, September 10, 2005

Here's a little something to rock you to sleep tonight

From Mark Kleiman. Emphasis mine.

I simply can't construct a plausible justification for leaving Michael "Helluva Job Brownie" Brown as the head of FEMA while virtually admitting that he's not actually capable of coordinating the federal response to Katrina by putting one of his subordinates in charge. What is the job of the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency if not to manage emergencies?

If someone -- say, the still-at-large Osama bin Laden -- decides to celebrate the fourth anniversary of 9/11 with some appalling atrocity, will still a third official be designated to run the necessary disaster-relief process?

Of course, Brown should lose his job, because losing your job is what's supposed to happen when (1) you weren't competent to have the job in the first place; (2) you lie about your qualifications; and (3) you utterly and completely screw up a major assignment. That's called "accountability." (If we truly had a President with the sensibility of a CEO rather than that of lazy, spoiled, party-hardy frat boy, he'd know that without needing to be told.)

But critics of the current ruling oligarchy shouldn't concentrate on Brown's deficiencies and on demands that he be replaced. He's an important symbol of what's wrong with FEMA, but the problems at FEMA are much deeper. And the problems at FEMA are themselves just a random sample of what's wrong with this administration. A fish rots from the head.

ETA: And if anything does happen in Seattle, I'm screwed. Our regional FEMA person got his job because he was county campaign co-chair for Bush in 2000. But don't worry, he has a degree from a diploma mill.

Via Eschaton, where you'll also find a link to look up your regional FEMA person.

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