Sunday, March 19, 2006

It's times like this I wish the St. Patrick's Day parade wasn't so blatantly homophobic

Because by the look of it, I could have enjoyed watching this one go by.

But it is so blatantly homophobic.


Ben Varkentine said...

I think it's a mistake to accept that-"not wanting to mix politics or whatever"-as the excuse. It's basic homophobia.

I also reject the idea that the "act" of being homosexual is a political one.

I would imagine you would look high and low before you found someone who "chose" to be gay for that reason.

Like you, I would imagine that any number of banners at the parade *can* be read in a political context...

jeopardygirl said...

Well, (and I told you this earlier, but I think it bears repeating) I think it's a positive thing to celebrate who you are and where you come from. Those Irish Gays and Lesbians should have been allowed to participate.