Sunday, September 23, 2007

What Mark said

Y' will come as no surprise to most if not all of you, I can be an arrogant guy. But I'm not so arogant as to think that I can rewrite Irving Berlin on any grounds whatsoever.

A few years ago, Rosie O'Donnell insisted on doing just that before allowing a song to be performed on her television show. It was one of the things that made me, to put it mildly, not a fan of hers.

And that was in support of an agenda-O'Donnell didn't want to be seen to be promoting hunting-with which I actually agree, however self-important and tasteless I think her advancement of it was.

How do you suppose I feel that a bunch of anti-separation-of-church-and-state"Christian" "right-to-lifers" have taken it upon themselves to rewrite "God Bless America"?

With, as Mark Evanier says,
no concept of meter or rhyme...[not even] the amateur lyricist's trick of just counting syllables.


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