Sunday, October 14, 2007

[shudder] That's _very_ disturbing.

So I'm checking the old sitemeter to see what recent referrals have brought visitors to this blog. As one does. At 8:50 am this morning, a visitor from Houston, Texas, stopped here briefly because DiD turned up on a Live Images search for

rosie odonnel nude

I'm not sure which part of that knowledge I find more disgusting, that someone was looking for it, or that it led them to my blog. Need I add that it did so because I have mentioned Rosie O'Donnell, and I have used the word "nude," but never-never, ever-together?


Johnny Bacardi said...

Maybe they were looking for...

You've seen it! You can't UN-SEE it!


Ben Varkentine said...

I won't click on that and you can't make me.

I must say, JB, you're testing my "no comment moderation" policy.