Friday, October 17, 2008

Still not as sad as it would be if this base-whore were elected president...but sad nevertheless.

You know...when I first saw this headline:

McCain Using Same Robocall Firm That Helped Smear Him In 2000

I thought of doing a joke here along the lines of "Ah, the circle of life." But on second thought, what I really want to do is ask:

At long last, senator, have you no sense of shame?

I don't think this is funny, I think this is really, really sad. In the last debate, John McCain said that if Barack Obama had wanted to run against Bush, he should have run four years ago.

Well senator, if you had wanted to have a chance not even of winning, but just of retaining the respect of most of your should've been the man you were eight years ago.

But never really were that man, were you?

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