Friday, January 09, 2009

It's not nice to fool with mother nature

Remember ol' "Heckuva Job" Brownie?

Sure, that's right: He was that way-in-over-his-head guy who was the head of what Bush sniggeringly called his "emergency management" program, when Katrina happened.

As such, he is remembered as one of the symbols of the Bush administration's criminal incompetence alongside such jokers as the vile Don "Fight with the army we have" Rumsfeld.

Been wondering what Brownie's up to these days?

Michael D. Brown, former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was among those forced to flee his home by the Olde Stage Road Fire.

"We never think of the fact that something like this can happen," Brown said. "One minute I'm sitting in my office and the next there is a deputy in my driveway telling me I have to leave.

"We never think of the fact that something like this can happen."

Again: Michael D. Brown, former director of FEMA.

"We never think of the fact that something like this can happen."


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