Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama supported marriage equality before he was against it

Came across the darnedest thing on Pam's House Blend:

1996 documents surface proving Obama publicly supported marriage equality

It's unequivocal support:

[And here Pam's quoting from an article by Tracy Baim]

[A]s Obama has run for higher office, from senator to president, he has further shaped his views on marriage, and now he does not back same-sex marriage. In a January 2004 interview I conducted with Obama at the Windy City Times' office, Obama clearly stated that lack of support for full marriage equality was a matter of strategy rather than principle, but in even more recent comments, it appears he is backing off even further, saying it is more of a religious issue, and also a "state" issue, so he favors civil unions.

Obama's answer to the 1996 Outlines question was very clear: "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages."

As long as full marriage equality isn't overwhelmingly approved by Americans, when it comes to running for federal office pols -- including Obama -- believe there's more to lose than gain if they take an honest position supporting full equality.

So what do you think? Is he just biding his time, or is he copping out?

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