And now, in no particular order:
House. Still that rarest of things: Something popular with the general public that I like, too. Thus far even though I may not always like what the characters are doing, I can usually believe that it is what the characters would do. At least as far as the characters I care about, which is basically House, Wilson and Cuddy, that is. The others are pretty much interchangeable.
The promise of new Aaron Sorkin-written TV series and screenplays. He's still got more hits (American President, West Wing, Sports Night) on his stats sheet than misses (Studio 60)
Vladek Sheybal, the Terry Hall of Polish new wave;
Bob Marley of white Reggae:
Now that you're wondering WTF that really is, read this.
I may be wrong about this (though I hope not), but I think more people are coming around to my conclusion that Joe Lieberman is a two-faced boob, and the more we treat him as anything more than that, the more undeserving dignity we lend.
On balance, I am still certainly thankful that President Obama is in the White House instead of Senator McCain. It's just that, as Mark Evanier pointed out not long ago, the pass Obama gets for not being George W. Bush is not going to last forever.
If he sells out real change for cosmetic in health care, if he chooses political expediency over the lives of our soldiers threatened in Afghanistan...god help him.
Getting back to things I'm thankful for, of course, those suspicious Canadlians.
And last but you know not least, my man Jigsaw.

Most likable gangster/corpse/family counselor in film history...
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