Friday, January 15, 2010

Hold it...

So I'm reading Howard Kurtz on the Media and he's answering questions from his readers. One of them queries his description of Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien as "iconic figures with big followings."

Kurtz replies:
Take Conan. The guy is so famous I don't need to refer to him by his last name.


...his first name is Conan, you stupid fuck! Of course you don't need to refer to him by his last name. It has nothing to do with how "iconic" he is or isn't, or how big his "following" is.

It has to do with the fact that there is only one other person named Conan anybody has ever heard of, and that's a fictitious barbarian!

If his name were something more common like "Howard" or "Ben" that might make sense, but...

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