Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I think I just went just a little bit gay for Conan O'Brien

This is one of the funniest, classiest public statements I have ever read. Reminds me of the fact that Conan started as (trumpets, please) a writer, and a darned good one.

I'd like to think NBC will wise up to that, and remember both that Conan wasn't that good when he was first given Late Night, and Jay wasn't that good when he became sole host of Tonight.

I'd like to think that, but if I were a betting man, I'd say Conan's headed for another network. I'll meet him there, if he is.

PS: I've said it before--If I were inclined to feel sorry for multi billion dollar corporations, I would feel sorry for NBC, because it seems that no matter what they do, they can't keep from fucking up late night.

Fortunately, I am not so inclined.

PPS: I know I chided Jay Leno recently for using an old joke, but some old jokes are classics, and anyway, Jay's a pro, and I'm just an eagle-eared blogger. So:

You know the diference between the Titanic and NBC?

The Titanic had entertainment.

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