Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"Hoo-hoo dilly?"

So there's this documentary series to be broadcast on, I believe, the Sundance Channel, about "transgender" students as they go through their transitions--two boys becoming girls, and vice-versa.

I won't pretend to understand what makes a person feel they need to do that, but you know what's great? I don't have to. So long as no one's kidnapping me and forcibly performing the surgery, it's none of my business and does me no harm.

There are, of course, people who feel differently. People like...sigh..."Doctor" Mike Adams of the University of North Carolina, who plans to attend a campus screening of the film and ask a few questions.

Questions like...

Will the two new men get their new hoo-hoo dillies from the two new women?

As Jesse from Pandagon points out, this is

a grown man who plans to go in public and use the phrase "hoo-hoo dilly".

And he's not, so far as we can tell, trying to be funny. Then again maybe we should be grateful, because when he does...

When a woman has a hoo-hoo dilly surgically attached, does that not legitimize Freud’s sexist notion of penis envy? Is that something the Women’s Center really wants to touch - figuratively speaking?

Bwa ha! Bwa ha ha ha! Oh, those republican comedians. My sides! My sides are splitting!

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