Thursday, December 01, 2005

In the town...where I was born...don't like the look of this old town, what goes up, must come down

Courtesy of JeopardyGirl's blog.

The Town Where You Were Born:

The Town Where You Live Now:

Your Name:

(Dig that clock in the has a name, y'all.)

Your grandmother's name:

(Just the second part.)

Your Favourite Food:

(I'm a simple man in many ways.)

Your favorite drink:

Your favorite smell:



jeopardygirl said...

FYI, Big Ben is the name of the BELL inside, not the clock or the tower...

Ben Varkentine said...

So, I'm named after an...a bell? That seems almost eerily appropriate.

jeopardygirl said...

Why? Do you ring?

Ben Varkentine said...

No. Annabel is the name of one of the characters I created for this ever-mutating project I'm working on; half of my lesbian couple.

It was a sort of pun, you see.

I know, I know...pathetic...

jeopardygirl said...

No, not pathetic, just obscure to me. Why are you writing about a lesbian couple--are YOU a lesbian?

Ben Varkentine said...

Why am I writing about a lesbian couple? Boy is that a longer answer than I have space for...

Relationships between women and men that go beyond the cliched "lover" or "friend" categories are a recurring theme in my work.

A couple of years ago, I wrote my first version of a story about a lesbian couple and a straight boy who is the best friend of one of them.

I'm not a lesbian, I just have these couple of them living in my head who won't leave.

So I've spent the better part of last year working on other ways of telling and expanding on their stories.