Monday, February 13, 2006

We now pause for the following commercial announcement

The boys at Ain't It Cool are, shall we say, looking askance at the first poster images to be released from the forthcoming X3. And with a little doing, they've managed to visualize their dissatisfaction by turning the images into a series of tis-the-season cards, thus: well as with a dandy comparison between the X3 poster art and that of Rent. Personally, I've been worried about the fate of X3 ever since I heard that Bryan Singer wasn't doing it. I don't go to the boys at AIC too often, but in this case, I think they may be dead on.

1 comment:

jeopardygirl said...

Yeah, I have to agree with you on this. Bryan Singer's enthusiasm for the material shone through the finished product and was contagious to the audience. I'm a little worried about this one, too, but you know, people are gonna shell out the money anyway.

BTW, The Matador was truly funny and unique. I highly recommend it.