Friday, August 04, 2006

Not So-Random Confessions Of The '80s Man (that's me, actually)

You may or may not have noticed, but two of the last few music videos I've posted here recently have a lot in common beyond just being by synth pop bands that I like: Heaven 17's "Let Me Go," which I posted here, and the Human League's "Life On Your Own," which I used as part of my reaction for the last Random Flickr Blogging.

  • Both feature their lead singers wandering through the empty streets of post-apocalypticesque cities; in one or two shots, they could almost be the same streets.
  • They were released within a year of each other (Heaven in 82, Human '83.)
  • And, as any synth pop fan worth a bag of oranges knows, Heaven 17 was formed when two of the original members of the Human League split to make their own group.

So what does it all mean? Damned if I know. I mention all this, though, not just because I think it's interesting (although I do), but...because I wasn't mindful of much of those things when I was deciding to post them.

I posted Heaven 17 because I wanted a song that spoke of failure, trouble and resignation. The watched phone that never rings, the rising price, the sense ot time's all there. I posted the Human League video because it details isolation, which seemed to fit organically with the images I selected from the random number.

And by pure coincidence, the videos that my subconcious came up turned out to have these things in common; it just seemed to be where I was going. Funny, that.

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