Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nothing matters anyway and that's the hell of it

From Shooting To Kill:

I know that in this book I've been rattling on about money and locations and equipment, but it's important to remember that they all surround a thing so fragile, a thing that requires imaginative leaps and an incredible emotional commitment. And yet, there's no other way to approach it, is there? No matter how deep and poetic and delicate an onscreen moment will be, you still need lights, a camera, and a location in which to shoot. And in the middle of the most intense, hushed scene, when your actors are plumbing their most profound emotions, the AD will still turn to you-as an AD turned to me, recently-and point to the clock that shows you're three hours behind schedule, and whisper: "We suck."

-Christine Vachon

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