Saturday, April 07, 2007

I've never admired Woody Allen as much as some

...but I do like this quote from Liz Smith's memoir.
I'll never forget expressing my admiration for what he'd done in Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex...-a groundbreaking 1972 comedy.

Woody listened to my compliments on the use of the actors as sperm about to be ejaculated in a "parachute jump" sequence, but then interrupted. "Now, look. Your comments are nice, but a total waste of time. I already know what I did in that movie. It is behind me. What I need from you is 'input' that has nothing to do with me. I am wide-open for other stimuli, for what's happening, what's going on now. Tell me things I don't know. Talk about yourself, your life. Do some of those tales about when you and Joel [Schumacher] were living together and how you did all those bad 'little kid' things to get attention. But don't talk about me and my past work. I don't get anything out of that!"

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