Sunday, April 05, 2009

This is an art appreciation blog?

New blogfriend Darren Daz Cox answered my "six random things" tag, and in so doing described dragon w/Buddha thus:
My friend Ben Varkentine tagged me on his art appreciation blog!

I think that's the first time anyone's ever described one of my blogs such...I kind of like it. And I suppose if we broaden the scope of the term, to
any field using the skills or techniques of art

...then this is an art appreciation blog. Sometimes the art is in the field of television, sometimes... Photobucket

...ahem, sometimes books, sometimes music, sometimes cartoons, sometimes it's actually what most people think of when they see the word "art."

I appreciate that.

1 comment:

Darren Daz Cox said...

yes! you appreciate art and while you have a diverse range of topics they all focus around your personal aescetic tastes.
Too many blogs simply say what they think people want to hear, if artists did that we would never have had an Italian Renaissance and the world would be less inspirational.

Keep on saying exactly what you feel as I come here for your opinion even if it differs from mine at times!