Friday, April 03, 2009

Try it yet?

With only one more episode set to air this season, it's probably too late for any of you who haven't yet to heed my entreaties about what a great show Terminator is. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't rent the DVDs...

But anyway, having sworn that if this show doesn't get picked up for another season, it won't be because I didn't prod all and sundry that I could into watching it, I offer you this article by Josh Friedman, executive producer of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:

The Terminator as Metaphor for Life


...we needed a central relationship to anchor the story. The first Terminator movie was a romance, really, between Kyle and Sarah. The second movie is a father-son story between John and the Terminator. So I thought my show, at its core, would be a family drama, a relationship between a mother and a son who is coming of age.

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