Monday, July 20, 2009

Can somebody tell me, again: What's so wrong with the way they do things in Canada?

Republicans see Obama's desire to fix our health care system as an opportunity to beat down the uppity black.

...ok, admittedly, that's just my interpretation of their motives...but you think of a better one.

Via Think Progress:
In his speech, Obama also took aim at comments made by one of the most ardent opponents of health reform, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC). DeMint last week declared that he would do everything in his power to kill health reform in the Senate. Obama struck back today by saying the debate “isn’t about me,” but rather a system that is “breaking American families”:

OBAMA: Just the other day, one Republican Senator said, and I’m quoting him now, “if we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” Think about that. This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. It is about a health care system that is breaking American families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy.


jeopardygirl said...

Our system is flawed. For example, the wait times in Emergency rooms are incredibly long at certain times of the year--because the only priority is given to the usual biggies: head trauma, bleeding, etc. While this is admirable, it does mean that people have no idea how long a trip to the hospital is going to be. Tempers flare at the least little inconvenience.

This frustration is multiplied when there is a shortage of doctors and nurses. Specialist doctors make more money, and so, most doctors attempt to specialize as soon as they can, leaving some hospitals understaffed. This affects the quality of health care as much as anything else.

Having said that, though, it is great to be able to walk (or wheel, or hobble, or be carried) into an ER, and not have to worry about where the money for the various tests is going to come from in my budget. Basic universal health care is an essential part of any civilized society.

I'll tell you who makes it such a political hot potato in your company: health insurance companies, hospitals-for-profit, and the lobbyists they pay to influence government through the use of the boogey word: SOCIALISM.

jeopardygirl said...

oops, meant, "country," not company.

Ben Varkentine said...

No you didn't, Jep, admit it.

jeopardygirl said...

Freudian slip? Can I just say it was one of those?