Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh, Tennessee, I love you.

You are truly the gift that keeps on giving. Why, just today, you've given me the story of yet another sanctimonious, hypocritical Republican. To wit: State Senator Paul Stanley, who (via Pandagon):

campaigned against the right of gays and lesbians to adopt ("When you're married, there's a commitment there," Stanley said last year, while discussing legislation to prohibit gay people from adopting children); and....introduced a bill prohibiting viewing porn while driving (WTF!? Is this some kind of rampant problem in Tennessee?)

Judge not lest ye be judged, Senator.

Turns out, this 47-year-old married man with two children was having an affair with a young woman named McKensie Morrison, an intern in her early 20s.

Who I grant you, is pretty hot...but that's really neither here nor there.

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