Monday, August 31, 2009

Fully awesome! ...Oh please, oh please... to put to put many of the rest of you have seen Bolt? It's not just me, is it? Well...oh bother, I'll just have to explain this further.

The title character in that movie is a dog who stars in a hit adventure TV-show, but who doesn't know that it is only a TV show, be believes his "powers" to be real.

When he meets up with the only other character who also believes that, a manic hamster called Rhino, the hamster exclaims in hushed tones:

"You're fully awesome!"

What made me think of that?

Oh, just this little jot of news:

Terry Gilliam wants to work for Pixar.

(There's also an interesting video interview, with my favorite director, at that link. Recommended.)

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