Sunday, August 16, 2009

You'll have to deal with Pressure/You used to call me paranoid/But even you can not avoid/Pressure! /You turned the tap dance into your crusade...

From the AP:
White House appears ready to drop 'public option'

Bowing to Republican pressure, President Barack Obama's administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new U.S. health care system

Republican pressure? Republican pressure? In what state outside the state of mind apparently endemic of Washington, DC, do the Republicans have enough substance to force pressure?

You've got to be kidding me.

The Republicans should be embodied by their last standard-bearer. John McCain, despite what could've been and should've been a genuinely inspiring personal story, hollowed himself out in hopes of aiding his rise to the top.

The Republicans are men and women of Jello. And the only thing keeping them in the driver's that the Democrats are men and women of pudding.

Republican pressure. Good god.

Un-fucking-believable. No matter how little the GOP gets-and they are very, very little, in any number of ways-it's clear they still have the whip hand.

Why are Democrats always so fucking timid?

Republicans say a public option would have unfair advantages that would drive private insurers out of business.

You're breaking my heart...


jeopardygirl said...

I simply DO NOT understand why your countrymen turn a blind eye (and ear) to the possibility that universal health care can ONLY improve the overall chances of all Americans.

You know what Bill O'Reilly said last week to a Canadian who pointed out that we Canadians have (on average) a longer life span? "Well, we have 10X the population of Canada, so that's to be expected."

This blew my mind. Is he insinuating a) there are fewer of us, so therefore there's less competition for resources, and everyone can live longer, or b) that your country cannot possibly AFFORD basic health care coverage for all your citizens???

Either way, it's a specious argument totally devoid of attention to the facts.

I keep telling your our system ain't perfect--but at least we have one. I'd hate to live with a chronic disease (like asthma or diabetes) in your country.

Ben Varkentine said...

Today, I hate living here even *without* such a disease (unless of course we count my depression).

But the problem is--and has been for too many years--first, my countrypeople are being lied to.

And second--for reasons passing understanding--no one in my government will name the liars.

So they just go on lying, knowing that they'll called to account.

I suppose we should've realized when "we" let Bush and Cheney finish their term instead of charging them as war criminals.

This is the United States of America. You can do and say anything you want here.

Nobody cares whether its true or not.