Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just when I thought that Joe Lieberman could not possibly surprise me anymore

I've long thought that Lieberman was a two-faced boob who doesn't even know (or care) what party he's in; undeserving of respect. It was Al Gore's selection of him for VP that, more than anything, made it impossible for me to vote for him in 2000.

But anyway, because of long holding these opinions, I was not exactly surprised, yesterday, when he announced he would vote, and join any GOP filibuster, against the public option.

No, the surprise came this afternoon, when I learned that the state of Connecticut, which Lieberman represents in the senate (for the moment)...has a public option. His constituents already have, that which he will deny to the rest of us.

Do you guys happen to remember my previous discourse on whores?

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